Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I felt the baby move last night! I woke up around 3am to use the restroom (becoming a nightly ritual now), and couldn't get back to sleep right away. I at first thought I felt a kick type thing, but reasoned that it couldn't be the baby, as I don't think I'm supposed to feel such distinct movements yet. But then a minute later I felt a distinct fluttering feeling. It was just like the articles, doctor, etc. had described. How cool!! So, I'm feeling much more connected to this little one now. Before it was still so surreal. Once my belly started popping it became more real, but still didn't feel the connection that I do now. What a joy.

Just before I began typing I felt more fluttering, but it didn't seem to be as distinct. I thought maybe it was my stomach digesting (just finished eating) or gas producing or something... They say the baby moving may feel like gas though... ?? (no gas seemed to be produced from it, so maybe it was baby again :).

Chris told me yesterday that he almost hopes it is a girl because he likes the name we picked out so much that he wants to make sure we can use it before someone else around us does. :) We still need a middle name though. (one syllable if you are compelled to make a suggestion ;).


Stacey said...

You have to share what the first name is to make sure it "flows" with it. Don't want to make some suggestion that doesn't go well with the first name. ;)

Stacey said...

Oh, and I also think Chris has really secretly always wanted a girl. He's just using the name excuse to cover up that fact.

Amy said...

You really should have a girl. I want to have a girl first, so badly, and then they can be best friends...but then maybe our girl could marry your boy...

So excited for you! Looking forward to those pictures too!

KatSco said...

So what is that mysterious name?? You've got to tell me so I am not thinking of the same!! We haven't made our minds yet, I think it will probably happen whenever we know what is it going to be.
How are you feeling???