Sunday, October 4, 2009

14 weeks

It's so hard to keep up with this!! A few little tidbits... Charlie is now sleeping a 9.5 hour uninterrupted stretch at night. :) His last few evenings have been a little sketchy with him wanting to sleep a lot too close to his bedtime. He needs to nap more during the day... I'll be invoking a slightly more strict and stretched eating schedule this week to see if it helps. He's ready to eat every 4 hours (his age), but I've been feeding him every 2.5-3.5 (mostly 3). Since he doesn't nap good, he frequently gets in a bad cycle of getting grouchy and wanting to eat, then falling asleep from eating. Anywho, trial this week.

To see his 3 month pics:
Enter the Customer Name, jacquelyn rosema (yes, it's incorrectly e in my first name)

I'm loving just about every second of motherhood now. (first 6 weeks I would've not been so enthusiastic...not that I didn't want him of course...just adjusting) I can't imagine life without Charlie now. I absolutely love watching him develop. :) He is talking and blowing bubbles a lot more these days. He enjoys Daddy playing the piano for him to soothe him. He sits up with support pretty well. He's giggled for me twice now. He likes it when I kiss his cheeks. He recognizes us a lot more and gives us big smiles when he sees us. He's grabbing and holding onto toys.

What an amazing design our Lord has thought up!

Monday, July 27, 2009


This is coming way late...

Charles Thomas Rosema (Charlie) arrived to the outside world on June 28, 2009, 7:47am. He was 6 lbs, 15 oz and 19.5 inches long.

We had to go get him some Gerber newborn size onesies...he had two preemie onesies he fit into, but nothing else. :)

Labor/Delivery Story:

First contraction: 2:30am. I slept another hour before the next one. Slept another half hour before #3. At this point I decided to get up and grab a bowl of cereal in case I wouldn't feel like eating and was preparing for the long haul. I also informed Chris at this point that I had had 3 and was going to get cereal. #4 at 4:20; #5 at 4:30. Chris wakes up. Between 4:30 and 5:30 I have contractions maybe 4-7 minutes apart. I also took a shower. I believe it was in the shower I went through transition. I threw up, went from cold to hot, and began feeling like I wanted to push. I kept thinking I had to go to the bathroom (#2). We call Tracy, friend and doula, to let her know I want to push and we'll be heading to the hospital. We left for the hospital about 6:20 (I labor pretty much by myself from 5:30 to 6:20 cuz Chris is packing and taking care of was slightly scary with the occasional strong urge to push, but otherwise, totally manageable on my own still). I continue to have the pushing sensation (very scary to me since we're not in the hospital yet) and contractions on the drive. I couldn't lean my seat back because of the car seat either (warning to future first time moms :). 6:45am arrive at the hospital, go up the elevator. Tracy tells me at the top that even if I am indeed pushing, to go ahead, since even the pushing stage takes a little while. So, I let loose. I feel the bottom drop out. Haha. I'm practically carried down the hall into the labor room, where, once lying down and checked, am informed that I am only 1-2 cm! I couldn't believe it, but contractions/pushing keep coming so am quickly distracted. They keep flipping me over (extremely uncomfortable) when they realize baby's heart rate is not stable and asking stupid questions repeatedly :).

Nurse realizes these don't sound like 2cm contractions... they check again... 10cm! Apparently, the 2cm was my poor baby's butt hole! :( So, they discovered he's breech. They give me some injection to slow me down since the doctor needs time to get there. They also decide to take me back and prep me for a c-section. I received an epidural at this point for the c-section possibility (shot itself wasn't painful as expected, but them crunching my legs up in order to do the shot was very painful). I would not have chosen the epidural, but wasn't given a choice in the matter since this was prep for c-section. I was so thankful for the epidural at this point since no one told me I could push to get the baby out; I knew it was going to be awhile... anywho. Doctor arrived and told us c-section or we had to sign off on some high-risk delivery waiver. We heard high-risk and went with c-section. Apparently, baby's heart had stabalized, so maybe we could have still done vaginal birth, but we didn't (and still don't) know much about the risk factor with breech. In retrospect, the decision made was good for our knowledge. But it was none-the-less unfortunate because we were so close to having the much desired natural childbirth and more so because the c-section recovery was extremely painful! Definitely the most pain I've ever experienced (really bad for about a week, was off pain meds by 10 days, occasional soreness and/or pain for another week, dull occasional pain now).

Our precious boy is now here though. My mom stayed with us 2 weeks, then Chris' mom for a week. We would have been lost and on edge for sure if they had not been here. They were here as Charlie adjusted his sleeping schedule which was huge since we both were so sleep deprived and adjusting our ideals for parenting already (ex: pacifier) with the arrival of our new reality.

I turned to the Lord like (almost) never before in those first 2 weeks. I was comforted knowing He would sustain me through all I was dealing with. Chris was so tender to me as well. He even washed my feet one evening as I was balling and nursing Charlie in pain. True act of servanthood in that moment; it was just what I needed. I love that man. I think we both were also surprised at how much we felt our love grow for one another through the experience of our first weeks.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Full Term Baby!!! (37 weeks)

Baby is now considered full term! (as of Sunday)

"Most babies weigh 7 pounds by week 37 and measure around 20 inches. If your baby were to be born this week, all of his internal organs would be developed enough to function outside of his body. And from week 37 on, your baby will only be adding a few ounces of fat to his frame each week.

"If this is your first pregnancy, keep in mind you could be anywhere from two days to two weeks late!"

So, we're looking at 0-5 weeks. I'm hoping for 3; I enjoy predictability. We are getting quite excited for his arrival. I'll be working another week and a half as long as I'm able. My co-worker is getting married Friday then taking a week for her honeymoon; otherwise, I might be done sooner. This is really why I'd like to have another 3 weeks before he arrives...I want a week off to make sure I've finished reading the books I wanted to read beforehand, etc. :) Chris and I will be reading our books to Baby out loud though. Maybe it will develop in him a passion for reading among other benefits. :) I'm sure I'll be unable to be on my feet too much in the weeks following the birth, so maybe I'll have time to read with him right away. Unless I'm always sleeping :/

Chris and I were recently reminded that Baby is entering our lives; our lives don't have to be completely centered around Baby. There's a give and take. Anywho, I needed the reminder. I can see myself focusing in on my new role too intently without realizing it that I end up neglecting nourishing my soul and my marriage. Feel free to ask me how I'm doing with this in the months and years to come!

Here's an awesome video on Why Babies Have Mothers. Every time I watch it I laugh so hard I cry. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nothing Short of Blessed

We traveled to Michigan last weekend. We took a Penske truck up from Louisville so we could bring back furniture that we were given from the Rosemas on behalf of his beloved late grandfather. I briefly opened one of the nightstand drawers to discover a fabric block M... Chris will be moved to see that. Could it be his varsity letter from his baseball career at the U of M? I'll have to go back and look at it, and ask Dad. I suppose Chris knows it's there already, since he and his dad packed up the furniture...

One of the dressers will be used in our new nursery. It will double as a changing table (I would think that Grandpa would love knowing that his newest fact, the only one to carry on his line/name... is to frequent the beautiful and useful dresser in this manner). :) We miss you Grandpa...

The other dresser, 2 nightstands, and bed frame+headboard will be used in the guest bedroom. I am hoping the color of our bed ensemble will go with the light sage green color of the furniture so nothing needs to be changed. Wall colors can always be painted if need be.

We also had two baby showers, one for Chris' side, one for mine. We received so much good stuff! Some unique/special gifts: Precious Moments book written by Chris' sister's mom-in-law, hand-knit blanket, booties, and sweater, homemade "Hooter Hider" (nursing cover), Pooh toy box, rug, and bedding set, pre-made scrapbook (all I have to do is insert the pics!!), clothes line that had a ton of odds and ends (bibs, socks, onesies, etc.) clipped on it, our stroller... We got clothes, diapers, blankets, etc. All you'd expect! It was so fun.

Getting showered with all the baby gifts and the furniture caused us to think back to just how extremely financially blessed we have been over our marriage. Almost all of our furnishings have been given to us for free, or free/nearly free through financial gifts for the wedding and holidays. And now the same is happening for the baby. How awesome is it to have so many people around you supporting you?? Because of everyone's generosity and being blessed with wonderful jobs, we've been able to pay off student loans, our 06 car, and our first mortgage. I only hope that we are being good enough stewards with God's money. I pray that we will not slowly fall into the trap of thinking the money coming in is ours, but will continue to stretch ourselves to give more to grow God's kingdom.

Monday, March 16, 2009

25 weeks!

Measuring 13 1/2 inches long, he weighs approximately 1 1/2 lbs! In the coming weeks your baby will continue to grow and mature a fast rate, gaining some baby fat, and filling out his long, lean frame. His hands are fully developed by this week, fingerprints and all!

I think I'm up to 17 pounds gained. We are enjoying talking to him and feeling him kick.

I made out at a baby consignment sale. We registered. Decided to go with the Winnie the Pooh theme. :) Here's a link to the theme:

Took another belly pic...have to post to facebook still. :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

23 weeks

He is now about the size of a mango, measuring 11 inches long and weighing about 1 pound.

In the coming weeks your baby will continue to grow and mature a fast rate, gaining about 6 ounces of weight a week. (wow!) By week 23, the blood vessels in his lungs, important for breathing outside the womb, are developing. His lips are becoming more distinct, and his eyes continue to develop, though they still lack color. Also, by this week, the bones in his middle ear start to harden.

Next week, he'll be developing white blood cells (protect against disease/infection). :)

Chris has felt him moving/kicking a few times now, and often says good morning to him when we cross paths getting ready for work. :) I enjoy Chris' interest in him...

I have been reading a wonderful book that my dear sister-in-law Cathy (in Haiti as of today on a mission trip--pray for her) gave us for Christmas: "The Shaping of a Christian Family", by Elisabeth Elliot. I highly recommend it to any parent, parent-to-be, etc. I've found quite a number of things I would like to apply to our household. It takes 2-3 chapters before it becomes more on the applicable side (FYI).

I read the research conclusion that your child is shaped the most in the first 7 years, and especially the first 3, so it's got me motivated to read up on these parenting books, so we'll be well informed right away (of course we know we'll learn as we go too).

Next on my/our list: Shepherding a Child's Heart
Then others (after purchasing them): The 10 Best Decisions Any Parent Can Make, Raising a Modern Day Knight, Bringing Up Boys (we got the DVD set of this for my brother/sis-in-law 2 Christmases ago, after they had my nephew...we may have to borrow ;).

If you have any further recommendations, feel might take me/us awhile to get through these though.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's a Boy!

I knew what I was looking at as soon as the picture came into view (right before the doctor told us). :) He wasn't shy. We saw "the view" about 5 different times. He was moving around a lot in there. Doctor said he looked like a perfect baby. She also asked us "Who has long toes?" after seeing his little feet. (Chris certainly does).

His estimated weight was 12 ounces. Whew. I hope I don't have to birth a big baby my first time. :/ We need to sign up for childbirth classes soon. I can feel the anxiety building as I'm thinking about it now...but just the other day I thought for sure I was not going to be anxious about it. Something to pray about.

It was difficult to not refer to him by his name around Chris' parents this weekend. I was so thankful a number of times that I found myself saying something in my head before out loud. So, I managed not to accidentally give it away. :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

20 weeks

"Your baby weighs nearly 11 ounces and measures slightly less than 6 ½". She is actively kicking, but there is no particular amount in a 24-hour period. The average is about 200 kicks within 24 hours, but that range can go from 50 - 1000, depending on how active she is. Now you are most likely to feel your baby move when you are resting. She moves the most when you are sleeping (get used to those interruptions) because during the day, your movements rock her to sleep."

I just felt her/him kick as I pasted that. :)

"By week 20, your baby-to-be is gearing up for the next phase in his development—filling out. His organs are getting into their proper places. His kidneys are now in position with their familiar bean shape. His testes (or ovaries for girls) have reached their position. His brain continues to form and grow. His teeth are beginning to appear, and he can swallow."

I also read somewhere that he can hear now, and will put his hands by his ears if something startles him. :)

We go for our first ultrasound tomorrow. We're quite excited to find out the gender. We'll post that next week... we want to tell Chris' parents in person this weekend when they are here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I felt the baby move last night! I woke up around 3am to use the restroom (becoming a nightly ritual now), and couldn't get back to sleep right away. I at first thought I felt a kick type thing, but reasoned that it couldn't be the baby, as I don't think I'm supposed to feel such distinct movements yet. But then a minute later I felt a distinct fluttering feeling. It was just like the articles, doctor, etc. had described. How cool!! So, I'm feeling much more connected to this little one now. Before it was still so surreal. Once my belly started popping it became more real, but still didn't feel the connection that I do now. What a joy.

Just before I began typing I felt more fluttering, but it didn't seem to be as distinct. I thought maybe it was my stomach digesting (just finished eating) or gas producing or something... They say the baby moving may feel like gas though... ?? (no gas seemed to be produced from it, so maybe it was baby again :).

Chris told me yesterday that he almost hopes it is a girl because he likes the name we picked out so much that he wants to make sure we can use it before someone else around us does. :) We still need a middle name though. (one syllable if you are compelled to make a suggestion ;).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

16 Week Appointment

So, I'm now 7 pounds heavier than pre-pregnancy. It's all in the belly too (which I'm glad for of course). So, I guess I finally sorta look pregnant. :) I can no longer button any of my normal sized pants. I have 2-3 pair of jeans from my freshman 15 days that are still working for me though. :)

The baby's heart rate was 141 bpm today. Chris isn't as convinced it's a girl now because of the lower heartbeat. I still have no inclination to believe either way. We'll get an ultra sound at the 20 week appointment to find out the sex (yes, I will post it here, so if you don't want to know, I guess you shouldn't follow this blog anymore :/ ). I was alone in the room after the nurse did her stuff, including the heartbeat monitor, so I was able to spend time in awe of and thanking God for His incredible creativity in creation and blessing on my life.

The doctor asked if I'd felt anything yet (I haven't). She said it's usually longer before you feel something during your first pregnancy because you don't really know what you're looking for. She said around 20 weeks is normal. I was hoping it'd be sooner, which it may still...